NEADA’s Executive Director, Mark Wolfe, testified today before the House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies on funding for LIHEAP in fiscal year 2016. He was one of 23 witnesses selected to testify from more than 140 individuals to make a request.
The testimony addressed the following key points consistent with NEADA policy:
1. Requested $4.7 billion for FY 2016 and advance funding for FY 2017.
2. Recommended rejecting the Administration’s proposal to provide a minimum transfer level of 10% for Weatherization and an increase in the ceiling for 40%
3. Recommended rejecting the Administration’s proposal to set-aside $200 million from the block grant to support innovative efficiency programs because of the deep cutbacks that have been made to block grant.
In addition, the testimony included examples of how the program is helping families in a number of states including AL, CA, CT ID, PA, OK, and TN.
After the hearing Mark had the opportunity to speak with Rep. Cole, Chair of the Subcommittee. They discussed the importance of trying to raise the budget ceiling for the Labor, HHS subcommittee in order to provide more funding for programs like LIHEAP.