The House Appropriations Committee on May 8 approved the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Labor/HHS appropriations to add an additional $150
LIHEAP Grantee Training Conference
The 2019 LIHEAP Grantee Training Conference, hosted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will be held in Denver, Colorado, April 30-May
NEADA Submits Testimony in Support of $4.7 Billion for FY 2020
NEADA submitted testimony to Congress in support of $4.7 billion in funding for FY 2020. The testimony provides a rational for the increase in
NEADA Sends Letter to Sec. Azar Expressing Concern about the use of $37 Million in LIHEAP Funds to Pay for Shortfalls in the UAC Program
Letter to Sec. Azar in Opposition to Reallocation of $37 Million in LIHEAP Funds
The funds would go to help pay for the Unaccompanied Alien Children's Program.
Administration Proposes to Again Zero Out Funding for LIHEAP for FY 2020 NEADA Issues Statement Calling for Congress to Reject the Administration’s Proposal
Administration Proposes to Again Zero Out Funding for LIHEAP for FY 2020
Eliminating LIHEAP would leave its 6.1 million recipient families with no way to heat and cool their homes.
New Study Reveals 6 Million Low-Income Households Need More Help to Pay Utility Bills
NEADA's newest study looks at the impact LIHEAP has on the lives of its customers, and what they would do without this vital program. Access to
LIHEAP Public Service Advertisement Campaign
Applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) have been flat or declining in many states for the last three years despite